Archive | March, 2011

11 Scholarships You Don’t Want to Miss

24 Mar

Do you want to study at a world-class university in the second-largest city in Austria? What about attending one of 38 Australian universities?

If you or any undergraduate, graduate, or postgraduate student you know is looking for a scholarship to study abroad, here are some exciting choices you don’t want to miss.

Some cover most fields of study, while others target very specific areas, like Mechanical Engineering, Environment, and Journalism. Most, however, stress areas of development African countries need in order to stimulate economic growth and alleviate poverty in the region.

You must act now, as some deadlines are approaching fast.

Having a difficult time making up your mind? Let us know when you do. Do not hesitate to contact us if you need any further assistance with your application process.

Student volunteer interns who successfully completed phase 1 of our Iduka Africa Pilot Project (iAPP) can request their certificate of participation by contacting their regional coordinator. You may need it when applying for some of these scholarships.

New student volunteers and student interns wanting to re-enroll in phase 2, please click here. All others can find out about volunteer opportunities at Iduka by clicking here.


Happy International Women’s Day!

8 Mar

UN Women

As part of today’s global centenary celebration, we would like to extend a word of thanks to all the women making it happen right here at Iduka. Since our inception, we have been truly blessed with many volunteer women who care deeply about education and the need to make college more affordable for our underserved students populations.

On this day, it is important to mention early women collaborators, longtime encouragers, and our founding members. Marcia Murphy-Owen, Judy Roberts, Angela Lorefice, Darlene Craddock, Diana Bushong, Dorothy Settlemire, Isabel Gantz, Maria Block-McKenzie, and Hazel Messineo provided the initial support to develop the idea and allowed us to grow. Many others not listed here have also contributed in numerous ways to this project, and we thank them all.

Finally, a very special thank you to all the women volunteers assisting us with the Iduka Africa Pilot Project, who are working daily to make it happen!

Last, but certainly not least, we thank our Board of Directors Chair, Ms. Joan Barnes for her leadership and unwavering support.

To learn more about Ms. Barnes contribution to this project, please visit UN Millennium Campaign or the Facebook album dedicated to Women Make It Happen!… and make sure you stand up to end poverty by asking our leaders to protect and revitalize higher education.

Iduka Africa Pilot Project Women Volunteers

Thank y’all!